
Join ChairConnect

Our mission is to support Chairs of independent schools to exercise their duties and perform their role as the leader of the school board.




To provide Chairs with essential and up to date information critical to understanding and performing their role in leading the board of an independent school (ChairConnect Content Portal).


To connect Chairs and create opportunities for supportive relationships, for member schools across the state.


Role of the Chair

The Chair has a significant leadership role distinct from the educational leadership role of the school principal.

Board Processes

Information and resources
relating to board meetings, agenda, minutes, board calendar and board committees.

Board Conduct

Code of conduct, acting in
the interests of the school,
conflicts of Interest, board
dynamics and relationships.

School’s Legal Structure

Duties and responsibilities in accordance with the broad range of legal requirements.

Risk Management

School boards need to
ensure the school has a risk management system in place to identify, assess,
monitor and manage risk.

Board Structure

The structure of the board refers to the size, composition, tenure, appointment, membership, committees and diversity of the board.

Educational Strategy

The board, led by the Chair, has a key role in the strategic direction of the school and its fundamental purpose as an educational organisation.

Crisis Management

Crisis management needs to be a high governance priority in schools, so that Boards and principals are adequately prepared to respond.


ChairConnect is open to all Chairs of independent school boards across Australia conditional upon that school being a member of the relevant AIS. Only the Chairs of school boards are eligible to join ChairConnect.

Chairs wishing to join ChairConnect must fill out the below Registration Form. Once submitted, the Secretariat will contact the Principal or Head of the relevant school to verify the Chair’s details. Once verified, Chairs will be granted access to the ChairConnect website.
